
Affiliate Disclousore

We are proud to be affiliated with some of the products/services that we recommend and review on our site. This site may receive compensation from affiliate or partner companies when you click on links to those products & make a purchase. This does not affect the price you pay.

Our goal is to provide you with helpful information, and if we are recommended a product or service, it is because we truly feel we can help you.

We do not accept any advertising or promotional relationship with brands and publications we feature. The blog is not intended to provide a platform for advertisers or publishers to profit from offers or purchases.

We believe in complete transparency, and so we want to let you know that some of the links on our site are affiliate links. This means that if you click through to one of these websites and make a purchase, we will earn a commission.

We only ever recommend products or services that we have used or studied ourselves, and so you can be sure that any recommendations are unbiased. We also think it’s important to be up front about this, which is why we are disclosing our affiliations to you.

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Amazon Associates Program Disclaimer

Consumarates is a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Network, which is an affiliate advertising network created by Consumarates will earn advertising fees by promoting amazon affiliate products link on this website & we clearly mention the webpages where we use affiliate links.

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